Friday, January 16, 2009

The power of really good software

I am doing some research into SugarCRM and I am absolutely amazed how simple it is to install, configure and use. SugarCRM is an open source CRM package and according to their website:
SugarCRM is rethinking how technology can help companies manage customer relationships. Sugar, the market leading commercial open source CRM application, delivers a feature-rich set of business processes that enhance marketing effectiveness, drive sales performance, improve customer satisfaction and provide executive insight into business performance. Supported by deep collaboration and administration capabilities that adapt to how your company operates, Sugar is delighting customers of all sizes across a broad range of industries.
The need that we are looking for SugarCRM (or any other similar application) to fulfill is to track interactions with a set of people. This is obviously a very small subset of what SugarCRM can do. As a result, the goal of my initial evaluation was to see how easy it would be to get a simplified version of the application in front of key stakeholders and get some feedback on whether we thought it was worth proceeding. In less than 1 hour, I was able to download the entire application stack (Apache, MySQL and the SugarCRM application) and get the application up and running locally on my workstation. Of the hour I spent, these simple steps took about 10 minutes, of which approximately 5 minutes of that was spent waiting for the software to download. In the remaining 50 minutes I was able to login, get a pretty good feel for how the application functions and actually configure the screens and tabs users see and add and remove fields on screens. None of my time was spent reading documentation or user manuals. Instead I was immediately adding value: making changes, testing them out and then making some more changes. Configuration changes are simple drag and drop exercises and saving and deploying changes is as simple as pressing the "Save and Deploy" button. Understanding how to use the application was just as easy and within minutes I was adding data and navigating around the application with ease. All in all, the experience was an absolute pleasure and I believe that after that 1 hour of work I have a good enough sample that I can share with stakeholders to figure out how to proceed. What a great example of software done right!! And the best's FREE!

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Impact of the economy on PMs

Josh Nankivel at created a survey that asks participants
What impacts on project management (in particular) have you seen from the state of the economy?
A slightly revised version of my initial response below:
In the world of software development within enterprise IT, with less money available for projects, teams are asked to do the same or more with less....less money, less people, less tools, etc. The PMs who will be the most successful in this climate are the ones who do more than just manage. Those that can lead, inspire and motivate, those that can innovate, those that can break down barriers and remove impediments, those that can teach and mentor and make others better, those that can pitch in and code or test or prioritize requirements or help solve problems when necessary, those who can get stuff done by building empowered and enabled high performing teams will succeed.....come to think of it, these are the people who will also be most successful when the economy is strong!

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Interview questions for software developers

Jurgen Appelo, CIO at ISM eCompany and author of the NOOP.NL blog, posted a list of 100 interview questions for software developers. The list includes questions grouped by knowledge areas like Requirements, Project Management, Testing as well as Functional Design, Technical Design, Construction, Data Structures and Algorithms so it should apply to PMs, BAs, Scrum Masters and Product Owners as well as Developers and Architects.

Going through the questions and thinking about how I would answer the questions was an interesting exercise that I would recommend for others. Some of my favorite questions:

  1. How do you treat changing requirements? Are they good or bad? Why?
  2. What do you do with requirements that are incomplete or incomprehensible?
  3. Can you name the responsibilities of the user, the customer and the developer in the requirements process?
  4. How can you reduce the user's perception of waiting when some functions take a lot of time?
  5. Which tools are essential to you for testing the quality of your code?
  6. What measures have you taken to make your software products more easily maintainable?
  7. What can you do reduce the chance that a customer finds things that he doesn't like during acceptance testing?
  8. How many of the three variables scope, time and cost can be fixed by the customer?

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Refactoring as a learning exercise

Over the last several months I have been trying to add a new tool to my tool belt by learning Ruby, Ruby on Rails and RSpec. After completing some tutorials and other basic programming tasks I was looking for something else to further develop my skills. Not having any great ideas for new applications I turned to our SVN repository and the code base for an application that I was functionally familiar with. My goal was to look through the code base, understand what was going on and see if there was anything that I could refactor. I figured this would be a good way to learn from real world code. This code base is for a new, greenfield project and was developed with good RSpec coverage so it was a good candidate because the code was likely in good condition and it would really challenge me by stretching my Ruby and Rails skills. As I dug around I found some things that were of interest and possible candidates for refactoring:

  1. In trying to understand what one area of the code was doing I looked first to the RSpec tests. After reading the tests and then the code the tests were testing I realized that the tests were created at a higher level and as a result it was somewhat hard to infer the behavior of the code under test
  2. In that same area of the code several Model classes had quite a bit of hand written SQL code. Portions of the SQL was dynamically generated and as a result it was somewhat difficult to understand what was actually going on. I knew functionally what this area of the code was supposed to be doing but it was not totally clear from reading the code what it was actually doing
This was the opportunity I was looking for...could I figure out what was going on, refactor the code to better leverage ActiveRecord without having to write custom SQL and get the proper results at the end? Having a goal and learning opportunity in place here is what I did:

I started by writing my own RSpec tests at a lower level of detail. The existing tests tested higher level methods that called several lower level methods, did some calculations and returned a result. The new tests I wrote started by testing the lower level methods individually. This had two benefits: (1) I could get a better understanding of what each of the lower level methods were doing and (2) I could refactor each method individually and have tests that would ensure I was not breaking anything at the lowest level of detail. This was by far the slowest part of the exercise because I needed to work through much of the handwritten SQL to be able to understand what was expected from these methods so that I could write the tests. After several hours of walking through the code and testing out SQL's against the development database I had what I thought was a decent handle on what was going on so I created my first test and verified that I was able to get it to pass with the existing code. My next step was to then figure out how I could replace the hand written SQL with ActiveRecord API calls and retain the same functionality. The first place I started was with the ActiveRecord find_by Dynamic attribute-based finders. The first challenge I faced was that the handwritten SQL's had several joins that I needed to deal with. To be able to deal with these joins I added some associations to the appropriate model classes and began to dive into getting the right :group, :include and :conditions options to return what I needed. This was an amazing learning exercise in Rails and the power it possesses. Finally, after several more hours of trying different things on IRB I got something that seemed like it could work. During my research however, I bumped into the ActiveRecord Calculations module. Considering that the main goal of the SQL's I was trying to refactor was to sum column data I thought perhaps the sum method would be an even better option. After several passes through IRB with the sum method I found what I was looking for and lucky me, my first test passed. From this point on it was more of the same with 5 or 6 additional methods until I got to a point where all of the hadwritten SQL was replaced by ActiveRecord API calls and I had a set of RSpecs that tested each method individually, including the higher level method that calls all of the lower level methods. Having made it this far and feeling pretty good about the results, I identified some next steps to keep the learning going:
  1. complete the same exercise for the remaining model classes where similar hand written SQLs exist
  2. look for areas where I can extract duplicate code across all of those models into single, re-usable methods or classes
  3. work on refactoring the RSpecs to improve their performance. Currently they feel a bit slow due to, what I suspect, are the many database interactions that are happening
So for those of you that have actually read this far down, here is what I learned:
  1. Refactoring is a great way to learn about a programming language. If you are new to a language try finding some existing code, write some tests for it to get an understanding of what it is doing and then refactor the code while getting the tests to pass.
  2. Using TDD or BDD makes learning about a programming language easier
  3. ActiveRecord is a powerful tool that gives you a great way to interact with a database without having to write SQL

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Blog list for developers

For those looking for good blogs to keep you up to date on software development check out the Top 100 Blogs for Developers (Q4 2008). According to the author...
...the list is meant to cover software development in a broad sense, which includes project management, process improvement, agile development, requirements, design, coding and testing.
There's even an OPML version of the list to make subscribing to these blogs as easy as importing the list into your favorite RSS reader!!